layla vaughn


Layla decided early in life that she could judge wealth by how much grass a family's yard had. It became a small obsession with her as her parents struggled in her early years, working and going to grad school, and living in one rent-controlled apartment complex after another. At one point in her adolescent years, right before they moved into their first house, she and her parents lived in a rented townhouse, while their school loans and her private school tuition took precedence over room to play. She coveted their little patch of grass, shared with prickly bushes surrounded by the mulch that stuck to her hair and clothes most days. Each time they moved to a bigger place, she walked out the length of the yard before being able to decide if she really liked the place. If it was more than the last, she knew they were doing better; and doing better meant Mama and Daddy were home more, and angry less. The last house they moved into during Jr. High, in an affluent area of Alpharetta, was the biggest yard yet, and the home her parents still live in today and add onto when the mood strikes them.

Making friends was neither difficult or particularly easy, but even as a child she developed a few patented methods. Kids were easy to bribe into friendship, but those were always the empty sorts, the ones that would only show up if there was food or a new toy. Eventually, her imagination was what drew her young friends to her. As they all grew up, it seemed that they outgrew her imagination in favor of social rewards, and Lalya's creativity was no longer a hot commodity by middle school. In Jr. High, arguably the most terrible years of a young person's life, her imagination and flare for making up elaborate stories was mocked and treated as a contagious weirdness that her classmates wanted little to do with. The friends that remained were composed of family and friends that she'd known as a child. It became harder and harder to make new ones, and by the time she entered high school, she'd found her audience. Layla sought out the other misfits and weirdos, forming a strong and diverse group of core friends, finally.

Her spindly and bony body shape had always caused her a healthy degree of insecurity as a late bloomer, but with friends who were more accepting, she begin to appreciate herself more in high school. She joined a few academic cubs on the urging of her parents, with the understanding that it would make her more appealing to private universities, and join the track and field teams. Her teammates in both activities earned her another faction of peers with common goals, and Layla finally felt comfortable again socially.

All that progress was nearly undone when she arrived at UGA, the fall after graduating high school. While the collegiate atmosphere was noticeably more liberal and accepting, she was the lone friend in her circle who had the grades and finances to attend UGA. With her friends either back home in Atlanta or away at other schools in the state, she felt the full weight of her isolation, compounded by living away from her parents for the first time.

Her own personal saint came in the form her of her first dorm mate, another black girl with a huge, warm, effervescent personality that was nourishment to Layla's starved spirit. While she never grew into a voluptuous girl, she did finally bloom, and what she lacked in actual shapeliness and curves, she made up for with long graceful lines and miles of legs. It was her roommate that helped Layla find her confidence again and make herself over for that new chapter of her life.

Entering college, her goal had been to become tax attorney, like her father, deciding in high school that she was not interested in the amount of philosophical brick breaking it required. She realized before her junior year that it was her father's dreams, not Layla's, and that she wanted to go into PR. It took some convincing for her parents, and enduring their constant assertions that she'd be wasting her talents, but they finally surrendered to her desires and supported her change of major.

Lalya moved to Atlanta the year she graduated and began an internship at the CNN Center in their public relations department. As an intern she took an interest in event and meeting planning and found that she excelled at it. Her absorption with detail, ability to work well under pressure, and her strange ability to be able to read people and their body language quickly and accurately aided to her success as an intern and eventually becoming a paid employee. Of course, the way she wove herself seamlessly in and out of social interactions with clients and co-workers, bubbles of laughter and animated conversations floating up from wherever she was in the room, didn't go unnoticed for long. After working at CNN for two years, Layla was offered a job with a mid-sized PR firm's Atlanta office. She was given opportunities to shine and she nailed them, getting to travel to the companies other domestic and international offices and work with clients all over the world. She stayed in the Atlanta office for three years before a trip to their L.A. office inspired her to put in a request to transfer to the West Coast. It was in L.A. that she was met with even more opportunities in the entertainment and corporate planning, the areas she enjoyed working in the most. It was in L.A. that she also met her closest friend, Dylan Slocum. The two became fast friends, and after three years working, or six total working for the same company, Layla was poached and given an offer she couldn't pass up in Larson, CO, working as a Sr. Event Coordinator for Hype PR. She wanted to know what it felt like working in a close knit group again, and the responsibility and creative control of the position was especially attractive. She packed herself up again and moved to town 2 years ago and has yet to regret the decision.


              BASIC & MISC
full name Layla Marie Vaughn
Age. 31
D.O.B. January 10th, 1982
occupation Director of Publicity for Cold Smoke Publishing
hometown Alpharetta, GA
resides Beaumont Industrial, Larson, CO
relationship status Ecstatically engaged
orientation Bisexual
family Allison Vaughn (Mother) ; Dennis Vaughn (Father) ; Janelle Vaughn (Grandmother)

personality: adjectives Curious. Loyal. Industrious. Versatile. Feline. Affectionate. Ambitious. Artistic. Calculating. Bold. Dependable. Intelligent. Sociable. Indulgent. Feminine. Cunning.

favorite words Cock. Placate. Coupling. Quicken. Anilingus. Petrified. Bedlam. Chaotic. Hysteria. Moot. Milk. Fortune.

Has a one and a half-year old mini schnauzer named Jose Cuervo. Nicknames for him (some courtesy of Dee Jay) are: Slut, Hairy Slut, Baby Slut Puppy, Whore, Dirty Whore, and Tequila. Jose is well trained and one of the most benevolent, sweet dogs on the planet, but Layla likes to pretend he's hiding a sordid and seedy nature underneath his happy tail wagging and love of chicken jerky and belly rubs.

Hobbies include: making plans with people but deciding to eat crudit�s and watch t.v. instead, running, reading, writing, adventure-going, traveling, sex, flying, quilting, knitting, going to the spa, dancing, clubbing.

Drives a white 2012 Volvo S60 T5.

Has been taking flying lessons and working toward her her pilot's license since August of 2012.

Is very spiritual and her faith is very important to her, but does not claim to be religious. Was raised with in a very conservative Southern Baptist household, but stopped practicing shortly after college. She is currently studying and exploring Judaism.

Outspoken feminist and social justice supporter.

Excellent cook, but hates the actual act of cooking. It usually lessens her appetite to have to cook big meals or for parties.

Loathes Wednesdays, loves Sundays. She is fond of Sundays because of the good memories she has of after-church lazing, eating, and movie watching from her childhood. Sundays are usually devoted to the pursuit of complete lack of productivity, lazy sex, and resting.

As of June 2013, has one tattoo stretching under her left breast and across her side-ribcage that says "Even when I'm dead, I'll swim through the Earth, like a mermaid of the soil, just to be next to your bones." The ending line from The Archipelago Of Kisses by one of her favorite poets and spoken word artists, Jeffrey McDaniel.

While he doesn't believe her when she declares it, her favorite poet currently is Dee Jay. Others include: Pablo Neruda, Jeffrey McDaniel, Anis Mojgani, Andrea Gibson, Alysia Harris, Shakespeare, and Catalina Ferro. Before meeting Dee Jay she'd had very limited experience with spoken word poetry, but now loves watching performances and is learning more and more each day.




played-by: Zoe Saldana

journal: ~vaun

timezone: EST

→random im, plotting, & scene friendly (IC: hate the layla OOC: Ask for ooc sn!)
→3rd person storybook
→adult scenes or fade to black
→please comment the ooc contact post with any questions.